About Me

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I grew up in Texas. I met the love of my life in college. I didn't realize he was the love of my life until 10 years later!!! We are having an amazing life together. I couldn't ask for more! We have a lab mix named Chance. We rescued him from a local Humane Society. We are currently living in Boston.We miss Texas & our family and friends very much. I love my Mexican food! I have to have it every time we are in Texas.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I started writing this blog about 3 weeks ago, but then I stopped because I didn't want to be rude or hurt other people's feelings. Well, I sat on it and I still want to write this, after all the title of my blog is Where ever my mind takes me, so here goes...
I know I am not the 97 pounds I was when I graduated high school, almost 11 years ago now, nor am I the 115 pounds when I graduated from college. (How I didn't gain the Freshman Fifteen, I thank that to not drinking beer, I gained all of 18 pounds ALL through college.)
I am not an exerciser like I used to be nor is my metabolism what it used to be. I do understand that I have gained weight (which I am not proud of, nor will I discuss how much) <-- because I am female and we don't like that to be public knowledge. However; it seems as though most (90%) of my weight gain is in my tummy. What I want to know is this...
When did it become socially OK to ask a woman if she is pregnant?! If I am not waddling around holding my back, complaining that I want a baby to come, then don't ask. If you are not 100% sure don't ask!!! I know this has not only happened to me, but many women out there.
Even when I was skinny and I ate, my tummy pooched out a bit...I had a "food baby," as I like to refer to it as! For whatever reason, the women in my family where blessed to gain weight mostly in the stomach area.
I have been trying the last couple weeks (since I first wanted to write this) to consciously eat better foods (no fried and try & eat at home more) and work out & run around with Chance. By doing so, I have lost 1.5 pounds. I know this is a slow process, but those out there who think its OK to ask a woman if she is pregnant, when she really is fat or has little bit of extra weight, makes for an uncomfortable situation for all parties involved.
Please, please all I ask is to be more conscious when having a conversation...this now concludes my soapbox/rant of the day.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I knew I wasn't going to be the best at blogging...maybe one day I will be better. I read a lot of blogs and people say they go back & can look through their blog & see all the things they did that year or what their kids started doing at what age. The only child I have is a black lab mix and he doesn't do much! He likes to chase his tail or self entertain himself with his toys. I guess for now this will be how I feel about certain topics, whenever I finally get a chance to do something crafty and pictures of my life with my wonderful fiance. Here are a few (we took 438 pictures between 2 cameras!) from Key West: (I'll post more to Facebook sometime this weekend)
At the oldest bar in Key West:The original Sloppy Joe's

On our sunset sail

This guy plays for the Dolphins (Last name: Long--look him up)

Our hangout street (along with everyone else)

They need these in NYC!!!

Southernmost Point

Sunset at Mallory Square

Sunset on our sunset sail