Well, I guess I failed my New Year's resolution, because I have not posted on here at least once a month! Time has not been on my side and this little blog went to wayside. I still have been cooking, but not so much DIY'ing as I'd like. I did have a friend teach me one knitting stitch and I am knitting me a scarf. But I couldn't even begin how to explain it, so that will probably not have a tutorial.
I've also been super busy getting my work out on at the gym. I signed up for a membership at a local gym last November and then canceled it in Feb or March because I wasn't getting my money's worth. I finally got the nerve to ask a guy if he does personal training. I was a bit hesitant to have a one on one trainer because why pay someone to train when you can get free workouts from Pinterest? Well the answer my friend, is it worth it. The past month I have been seeing him twice a week and doing cardio 3-4 times a week and changing what I've been eating. (Kind of...) A month later I'm down 6 pounds and 10% of my body fat. So if you can work it in your budget, get a trainer. They'll push you more than you push yourself and you get results a lot faster than if you do it yourself. I know some of you can't budget a trainer, so here is something that might get you going: Commitment Day. It's a 5K that you can run, walk, skip, hop, jog, bring the kids out, etc. It is kind of cliche because it is on New Year's Day, but that's when 95% of the world decides this is the year I'm going to get fit and by March (much like my resolution of my blog) goes to the wayside and the gyms clear out. Here's the link: http://www.commitmentday.com/#top
Go on and join the movement and make a small commitment to yourself that you will get out and be active twice a week for 30 minutes and you'll give up beloved cokes or chips. Then after a month make it three times a week, etc. Trust you'll feel better about yourself. My journey has been difficult, but I can see the end goal in sight and will keep working on it once that goal is met.
Also-one other thing, don't be discouraged if the numbers on the scale aren't falling, it's your body fat that is important! In a round about way muscle does out weigh fat, so the scale won't reflect that. Start today thinking about getting fit for 2013!
Valentine’s Day Gift Idea – DIY candy poppers
2 weeks ago